Life Skills Therapy

OT life skills intervention and support for youth, focuses on helping my clients and their caregivers to develop and implement daily routines, foster life skill development, developing compensatory strategies as needed for self-care to promote independent living, addressing and managing any challenges, assess and manage any sensory issues, explore and develop skills for productivity/school/work, recommendations for environment modification and assistive devices.

OT intervention is client-centered aimed to support a happy, meaningful and independent life.

Occupational Therapy Services:

  • Free 15 minute telephone consultation
  • Initial consultation Comprehensive Assessment Report if needed
  • Life skills training plan and goal setting
  • Individualized OT Intervention Plan (including home program)
  • Implementing client specific goals and programs:
    • Sensory Diet Development and teacher/caregiver training
    • ADL Training Program
    • *IADL and Community Training Program: Development and Training and Community Training Program: Development and Training.

What is IADL? *INSTRUMENTAL ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (IADL) include but are not limited to: Preparing food, Managing money, Shopping Cleaning house, Doing laundry, Accessing public transportation, Using the telephone, Gardening, Doing minor home repairs, and Managing medications.